By The Seventh Wave

Collective resources for learning, listening, and leaning in.

The Seventh Wave deepens its commitment to and solidarity with oppressed, occupied, and marginalized people and communities worldwide. We feel, and fear, for our Jewish, Muslim, and Arab contributors as we watch, in real time, the surge in antisemitism and Islamophobia around the world — just as we have feared for our Black, Indigenous, Asian, diasporic, queer, and trans contributors, and contributors of all marginalized identities. We will continue to dedicate resources toward collective healing and solidarity. Below are a few resources, which we will continue to add to:
  • Write. Starting on Sunday, Nov. 12, The Seventh Wave will be holding space for community write-ins for folks who want to create alongside others during this tumultuous time. This will be a largely silent Zoom space for folks to be in community together while they write, with an optional time held at the end for resource sharing, decompression, and witness. Keep an eye out for our link to register to join in the coming days.
  • Create. We have always viewed art — the practice, creation, and community of it — as a form of response. As a way to advocate for and demand change. Our call for submissions for Issue 17: “The Cost of Waiting,” is now open, and as always, our calls speak to the most pressing issues of our times. We have always been dedicated to uplifting marginalized creators, and to championing perspectives and voices that have too often been silenced or sidelined. If something in this call resonates with you, we want to hear from you.


As words are what hold us together in space and time, we’ll end with a quote from Palestinian-American writer Hala Alyan, whom we interviewed in 2020 about her book, The Arsonists’ City. Our interviews editor asked Hala what she thought about the phrase “rebellious joy,” which was the topic for our issue at that time, and this is what she said:
I think of curiosity when I think of rebellious joy. I think of people turning towards life even in the most dire and worn down circumstances. When I hear rebellious joy, I think of people insisting on continuing, and continuing, and continuing — continuing because you have the belief somewhere deep down inside, like deeply, deeply felt, that things will shift.

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